Snowball edges -AWS

And so this is you know and it's not to imply that operators will be deploying a single snowfall or a cluster of Snowball edges within a vehicle. Obviously that kind of pushes the bounds in terms of you know power and space. But certainly you can envision where a maintenance facility call it a smart garage type of environment could certainly snowball edge clusters or even single Snowball edge devices and be able to kind of cope with the amount of data that's coming in as well as be able to process some of that data.
Yeah it's interesting talking about vehicles one of the other the modalities that I've seen is really these devices on ships and particularly around research and defense.
So I didn't think of ships as being complete locations but they're increasingly.
we've seen it both on the on the defense side and even you know from a commercial perspective cruise line operators for instance that they're already dealing with very constrained network throughput right wing satellite links are not necessarily the most perform ant and certainly not the most inexpensive. The ships themselves you know for space is at a premium right. That's them for space is intended to suit the customer is not necessarily operations and so we're starting to see where snowball edge becomes a viable form factor for powering both existing applications as well as net new applications.
In either context on the commercial side are you on the defense side.
One of the things by the way that that tends to surface as a buzz term and I'll just kind of hit on a little bit is the notion of the digital twin concept you can develop and deploy your applications in the cloud and then basically create if you a golden image. if you will that you can then push out to the edges Vee's and the something like Snowball edge and that that in and of itself provide some value. there's a growing number of you know customers slash operators out there that have bought into this code wants deploy anywhere type of philosophy and so to the extent that developers can just stamp out applications using a very prescribed formula and be able to kind of deploy that you know whether it's at a core or at some remote location that makes up the edge that's all goodness in their minds and so symbolic you know really a key enabler for that that's really important. Learning AWS training in chenai at Greens Technologys.
C5 compatibility.
We incurred C5 compatibility right. That would certainly involve you know developer experience if you're looking to put Chernobyl edge short or many of them into production. But yeah I would say you know I think the point you were making is that the core of that development effort and expertise really happens is all geared towards what's happening within a primary WS environment. Right. Some region. One of our regions if you will and then you kind of rely on the fact that that can then be easily extended to a snowball edge because we have that EC2 in S3 compatibility as well as an offense and green grassland which we spoke about and so basically when I am satisfied that my atomizing in a good place I commend all of my Snowball age and ordering prices I specify the item on and then that comes on is that right. Yeah. Yeah so just to kind of walk through the workflow a little bit. You know we think of snowballs in terms of jobs so when you go into the snowball management console you basically select the job type as you go let's say through an import an S3 import job type you're given the option then to select a specific image. And so again we would encourage you know 5 compatible Ami image and pre-selected that Ami will effectively get provisioned on the device as it goes through the provisioning workflow.
There are a couple of prerequisites steps that we recommend such as setting the actual sh keys so that you know you still want to have access to the U.S. to instance or instances that are running on the snowball edge. So having your SSA credentials is something that we highly recommend that you do as a prerequisite step once. Once we fully prevision the device and ship that to you it’s pretty straightforward. You know power on procedure provide the networking connectivity at that point you're issuing standard EC2 commands to basically start stop reboot your instances and again using SSA to access those instances. So you know there's no there's no dependency or reliance if you will on the actual snowball management console or AWS management console in general. We assume that the operational environment will have either intermittent or perhaps no connectivity between wherever the snowball is deployed and the actual primary count. And so you can think of it as a self-contained operating environment for easy to as well as us 3 right now if you have if you haven't have Internet connectivity or intermittent connectivity then there's some interesting things you can do in terms of remote updates to make sure that you are propagating kind of the latest and greatest from your primary count to a snowball edge and those updates are important.
Some time that it's actually quite secure from other abilities because you can connect yeah no and quite frankly the way to factor in updates if you will is just is counting on some rotation physical rotation scheme right. So whenever that goes into dock they would have a number of snow new Snowball edge devices waiting for them and they can either be assimilated into an existing cluster or redeployed standalone whatever the case dictates.
Snow Billings
Let’s talk a little bit about security so everything on the snow Billings is encrypted isn't it so it's not just the daughters also the items.So we everything is basically back through keys in terms of ensuring that all data is encrypted on the device. One of the things I'll call out I guess that may not be so obvious is you know whenever a customer shuts down that snowball edge device and returns to us we will do an import of any data that was actually uploaded to the S3 portion of the device. But as far as the EC2 instances and any data that's kind of captive to the volumes all that gets completely wiped. And so we use know standard e compliant wipe secure white process. So there is no notion if you will of data erroneously or you see two instances erroneously being imported into your into your VPC environment if you kind of rewind a little bit before even before the snowball edge let's say gets to know its original region of in just.
There is really no way that that somebody can access those EC2 instances nor the S3 storage from a rogue perspective considering that they would need to have access to what we call the unlock code and manifest file. And those are two items that if you will that are exclusive to whoever requested the actual snowball in the first place so there's pretty rigid controls I would say that kind of say provide the safeguarding of both data whether that data sets in S3 or whether it's captive to the U.S. Two instances on the device. And that's something we'll just you know continue to improve upon if you will.

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